Tis the season

Tis the season

Posted by Tim on 9th Mar 2019

We can buy almost any produce all year round, air-freighted from somewhere in the World. On the one hand this is wonderful. On the other I can't help feel that we've lost something. Enjoying fresh produce, as it comes into season gives a rhythm to life. With farmers markets and artisan producers we're getting better, but the French are still ahead of us in this respect. The hotel I used to stay at when I visited Head Office in my old job had 2 pages at the front of their menu for seasonal dishes, many from their own garden. The rest of the menu never changed. At this time of year asparagus will be coming in - white asparagus.

I'm looking out for English asparagus. Last week it was Italian - presumably fresher than Peru, but not the same as local produce.